WECCL Documentation Help

⚙️ Match Types




int? CustomMatch.RegisterCustomPreset(string Name, bool PositiveValue) will return you a match preset ID. Adding match preset to the positive end will also make them appear in career matches.
int? Content.CustomMatch.RegisterCustomCage(string Name, bool PositiveValue) will return you a cage ID.


using WECCL.API; public class Plugin : BaseUnityPlugin { static int MyMatchPresetID; static int MyCageID; void Awake() { MyMatchPresetID = CustomMatch.RegisterCustomPreset("My Match Preset", true); MyCageID = CustomMatch.RegisterCustomCage("My Cage", true); } }


The functions are meant to return a unique ID so mods don't conflict with each other.
You'll still actually need to create the match type and cage in the game.

Last modified: 12 april 2024